They had a real breakthrough, thanks to medical information going digital. The leading physician for any problem could now be brought on to diagnose and treat even rare medical conditions. People who lived in remote areas could get care from top medical professionals in the best hospitals.
So why weren’t the HR Directors of big companies lining up to get Advance Medical for their people?
Advance Medical had lost sight of what their prospects cared about. Instead of thinking of HR Directors as people who have specific problems to solve, they just talked about their solution. They failed to engage with how their would-be customers thought about the problem.
The breakthrough message for Advance Medical came at the intersection where the needs of their desired customers came together with why they were founded to begin with.
Their message went from a list of features and functions to showing how Advance Medical gives HR the power to help its people when they most need help.
We created a new website and sales materials, supporting the position that Advance Medical provides the best care when it matters most. They leaped to the head of the category, spawning multiple imitators and ultimately leading to a successful merger with Teledoc.